TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\01b - AD\Simpler Trading - John Carter - The Quick Hits Strategy PRO, $1197, (

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NameSizeDate Modified
Website.txt0 KB9/25/2022 8:45 PM
The ‘Quick Hits’ Strategy9/25/2022 1:42 PM
8 - 2 Days Live Trading10/8/2022 2:28 AM
7 - NEW Trend Rotation Tool9/26/2022 10:07 PM
6 - Bonus - Futures 1019/25/2022 8:49 PM
5 - Bonus - Options 1019/25/2022 8:49 PM
4 - Bonus Higher Time Frame Indicators9/26/2022 10:28 PM
3 - Bonus Multi-Cross Indicator9/26/2022 10:10 PM
2 - NEW Squeeze Rotation Tool9/26/2022 10:10 PM
1 - Strategy Class10/19/2022 11:08 PM