TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\M\Market Fluidity - Unlearn and Relearn

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NameSizeDate Modified
1 Introduction8/24/2022 12:24 AM
10 PDFs8/24/2022 12:24 AM
2 Unlearn _ ReLearn8/24/2022 12:25 AM
3 Psychology _ Trade Management8/24/2022 12:25 AM
4 Advanced Technical Concepts8/24/2022 12:26 AM
5 Adding Positions to Trades - Trends8/24/2022 12:26 AM
6 Learning From Losses8/24/2022 12:26 AM
7 Back to The Basics8/24/2022 12:27 AM
8 The Signs 2.08/24/2022 12:27 AM
9 Simulations8/24/2022 12:28 AM