TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\_Trading Softwares\Wave59 Misc. Scripts (

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NameSizeDate Modified
--- QScript Tutorial - Spinning the Ephemeris8/24/2022 8:25 PM
3 Point Circle for Wave598/24/2022 8:25 PM
_More wave59 Scripts2/19/2023 2:25 PM
_wave59 Scripts EWEF2/19/2023 2:24 PM
A_ROT8/24/2022 8:25 PM
AlertPrice218/24/2022 8:25 PM
An adjustable Gann box8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Archimedes Gann Log Golden and Padovan Spirals8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Astro Fixed Aspects v4 (Anchors, Single Planet)8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Astro Fixed Aspects v58/24/2022 8:25 PM
Astro Multiples with Shifting8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Astro_Fixed_Astro_Multples_V.68/24/2022 8:25 PM
Astro_Multiples_with_Shifting_v68/24/2022 8:25 PM
Astrotrader 2000 for Wave59 & Manual ( 8:25 PM
AT_display8/24/2022 8:25 PM
automatically draw golden triangles8/24/2022 8:25 PM
AverageStudyRT_v118/24/2022 8:25 PM
AverageStudyRT_v128/24/2022 8:25 PM
Avol indicator8/24/2022 8:25 PM
barcount_degrees8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Better Volume8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Bill Williams Alligator and Awesome Osc8/24/2022 8:25 PM
BMP8/24/2022 8:25 PM
BMP_TrendSum8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Bollinger squeeze8/24/2022 8:25 PM
BollingerClassic8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Butterfly Patterns8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Center of gravity Oscillator8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Chartpoint speedlines8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Colored Delta Lines8/24/2022 8:25 PM
conduct thru trades on chaos principle8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Cybernetics analysis8/24/2022 8:25 PM
cycle_counter8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Delta8/24/2022 8:25 PM
different spirals8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Divergence8/24/2022 8:25 PM
draw golden fibonacci triangles8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Eariks_TechnicalExpert indicator8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Ehler's Sinewave Indicator8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Ehlers_Cycle8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Ergodic divergence8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Exaustion Bar Alarm8/24/2022 8:25 PM
exbars and 59 count interact8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Fibonacci Bands8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Fisher Transform8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Gann Swing Simulation8/24/2022 8:25 PM
GFish8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Golden Fibonacci Triangle8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Harbus Penatgon8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Harbus Pentagon8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Harbus Pentagon for Wave598/24/2022 8:25 PM
Harmonics of Day (Michael Jenkins)8/24/2022 8:25 PM
horizontal lines off the open8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Horizontal Squared Price Mirror8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Ichimoku Scripts8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Intraday Planetary Speedlines8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Intraday speedlines8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Jenkins Box8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Johns_Dual_MOM_Histodiff8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Log Spiral Drawing Tool8/24/2022 8:25 PM
MarketProfile8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Mikula's Overextended Square of 98/24/2022 8:25 PM
Mikulas_Overextended_SQ9v218/24/2022 8:25 PM
Miles Wilson Walker Astro Declination CITs8/24/2022 8:25 PM
money management formulas8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Murrey Math script8/24/2022 8:25 PM
MWW Astro CIT8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Output Chart to Ascii v28/24/2022 8:25 PM
Output File to Ascii8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Output Indicator to Ascii8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Paint Bar Study8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Pivot Point Tool for ES8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Pivots8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Planetary Speedlines intraday8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Plotting Waves8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Power-law Light8/24/2022 8:25 PM
r28/24/2022 8:25 PM
Radical98/24/2022 8:25 PM
Random Walk Index8/24/2022 8:25 PM
SC_Siligardos_PID8/24/2022 8:25 PM
SC_Star_3508/24/2022 8:25 PM
SC_Valcu_DIX8/24/2022 8:25 PM
SmartMoney Difference8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Square Of High or Low8/24/2022 8:25 PM
square scaling8/24/2022 8:25 PM
square scaling of charts8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Supertrend8/24/2022 8:25 PM
The crossing line system8/24/2022 8:25 PM
trendline with angle8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Trendline with Midpoint X8/24/2022 8:25 PM
trendline_tool8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Ultramom_Slope8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Universal Swing Tool8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Variable Refreshing8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Volume at price8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Volume at Price indicator8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Volume Indicator8/24/2022 8:25 PM
VolumeOscillator8/24/2022 8:25 PM
VPCI8/24/2022 8:25 PM
VPWaveer8/24/2022 8:25 PM
VWAP Study8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Welles Wilder Delta Intraday for Wave598/24/2022 8:25 PM
Williams' Wise Men8/24/2022 8:25 PM
Woodies CCI for Wave592/19/2023 2:21 PM
COST SHARING.txt2 KB4/18/2021 10:44 AM
FULL COURSE LIST.txt1 KB12/24/2022 3:46 PM